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About The Firm


For Sumrow Business Law, it’s all about making a difference. For over 20 years, Matt has been serving as counsel to innovative companies. As your strategic partner, our process and services are crafted to meet your company’s style, culture and goals. Efficiency and collaboration reduce costs allowing us to offer significant savings for our clients. We’re in it for the long haul earning the respect to be one of your trusted advisors. With extensive resources and connections in place, our clients have ready access to a full range of related business professionals and services. Our goal is to achieve yours.

Outside General Counsel

Outside General Counsel

Working with small and mid-size companies, Matt Sumrow frequently serves as outside general counsel providing ongoing support and counsel as they grow. He is known for taking the time to deeply understand company leaders and their business goals and from the inside out.  Sumrow Business Law Group is where businesses are protected with the right solution.

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